Grid Connected Water Dispensers

VN 80 UV ŞBK Purified Water Dispenser

VN 80 UV ŞBK Purified Water Dispenser

Our VN 80 UV ŞBK Purified Water Dispenser has been developed to be used easily in all homes and workplaces with its stylish and perfect design.
Its design stands out and it reached the point of satisfaction with refinement.
VN 80 H ŞBK Water Dispenser

VN 80 H ŞBK Water Dispenser

With its completely Stainless Steel internal parts, your water reaches your faucet without touching any silicone or plastic material, from hot and cold storages to the faucet.

HFS 200 ŞBK Water Dispenser

HFS 200 ŞBK Water Dispenser

HFS 200 ŞBK Water Dispenser

18 ŞBK Water Dispenser

18 ŞBK Water Dispenser

With its completely Stainless Steel internal parts, your water reaches your faucet without touching any silicone or plastic material, from hot and cold storages to the faucet.

18 ŞBK Counter Top Water Dispenser

18 ŞBK Counter Top Water Dispenser

It has the feature of hot and cold water dispenser with its perfect interior.
It is a feature that makes it different from its competitors that all internal parts are steel and that your water fills your glass from the purification to the boiler from the boiler to the taps without touching any plastic parts.
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